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Opening times
Ciastel de Tor

Summer opening hours from 01.05.2024 to the first Sunday in November.

Tuesday–Sunday: 10.00–18.00
Monday: Closed
Ursus ladinicus

Summer opening hours from 01.05.2024 to the first Sunday in November.

Tuesday–Sunday: 10.00–18.00
Monday: Closed
News and press

TOR – Lois Anvidalfarei

Foto: Gustav Willeit

TOR” by Lois Anvidalfarei is a permanent installation that forms part of the building complex of the Museum Ladin Ciastel de Tor.

The large tower (tor in Ladin) houses inside it the sculpture “Falling”: a body suspended in a structure made of scaffolding tubes. The bronze figure is one of six created in 2013 by the artist for the “Conditio Humana” cycle. As the title of the series suggests, the work depicts existence balanced between physical strength, containment, endurance, and collapse.
“The human being within his transience. Although life is temporary and fallible, the aspiration towards its perfection is the origin of a noble principle.“ – Lois Anvidalfarei


This new artistic and architectural element visually references the main body tower of the museum housed in the medieval Ciastel de Tor. Additionally, “Tor (Fallender)” relates to the natural landscape by entering into a close dialogue with it and ideally introducing the SMACH Val dl’Ert, whose path begins nearby and leads to the discovery of over twenty artworks installed among woods and clearings.

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Das Museum Ladin Ciastel de Tor sucht im Rahmen des Forschungsprojekts „Die Ladiner des Gadertales, gestern und heute. Der Einfluss der sozialökonomischen Entwicklung auf die Bewohner und auf dem Gebiet“  eine/n wissenschaftliche/n Mitarbeiter/in.

Press release

The largest mass extinction in the history of the earth and the parallels to today’s climate crisis are the subject of a new exhibition at the Museum Ladin Ciastel de Tor. The exhibition will be presented on the 14th June.


open for everyone

Press release

Excerpts from works of world literature, travelogues, letters and diaries about travellers’ impressions of the Dolomites are collected in Ingrid Runggaldier’s book, which will be presented at the Museum Ladin Ursus ladinicus in San Cassiano on 23 May.