Opening times
Ciastel de Tor

Summer opening hours from 01.05.2024 to the first Sunday in November.

Tuesday–Sunday: 10.00–18.00
Monday: Closed
Ursus ladinicus

Summer opening hours from 01.05.2024 to the first Sunday in November.

Tuesday–Sunday: 10.00–18.00
Monday: Closed

Ursus ladinicus

Explore three floors and learn all about the history and habitat of the cave bears that walked the earth over 50,000 years ago.

The MusLa Ursus ladinicus in St. Kassian/San Cassiano in Val Badia opened its doors in July 2011. The museum focuses on the prehistoric cave bear and the geology of the Dolomites. Visitors can explore three floors in a new building and learn all about the history and habitat of the cave bears that walked the earth over 50,000 years ago and fossils from the Dolomites.

A journey back in time

Foto einer lebensgroßen realistischen Bärenstatue samt Beschreibungstext im Museum Ladin Ursus ladinicus in St. Kassian

The Ursus ladinicus explores the fascinating history of the vegetarian cave bears that could weigh up to 1,200 kg. Entire families of these massive bears settled down in the Conturines Cave at an altitude of just under 2,800 metres above sea level over 50,000 years ago. The remains of cave bears and lions haven’t been found in a higher spot anywhere in the world.

The Conturines Cave provides insights into the climate of the Dolomites in the past and present. Learn all about how the mountains formed around St. Kassian/San Cassiano and find out why a surfboard would have been a more sensible choice than a snowboard here around 230 million years ago.

Both museums: 10,– €
Ciastel de Tor: 8,– €
Ursus ladinicus: 6,– €
Family ticket

(two adults + children aged 7–16)

Both museums: 20,– €
Ciastel de Tor: 16,– €
Ursus ladinicus: 12,– €
Mini family ticket

(one adult + children aged 7–16)

Both museums: 10,– €
Ciastel de Tor: 8,– €
Ursus ladinicus: 6,– €

(students under 28 years old, senior citizens, groups of more than 15 people, disabled people)

Both museums: 8,– €
Ciastel de Tor: 6,50 €
Ursus ladinicus: 4,50 €
School groups
Piktogram des Ciastel de Tor
Ciastel de Tor

Summer opening hours from 01.05.2024 to the first Sunday in November.

Piktogram des Ursus ladinicus
Ursus ladinicus

Summer opening hours from 01.05.2024 to the first Sunday in November.


We are pleased to welcome people with disabilities to our museum sites. We’ve worked hard on accessibility to make your visit as enjoyable as possible. As the Museum Ladin Ciastel de Tor in St. Martin/San Martino is a medieval castle, we’re afraid that wheelchair users are only able to visit specific rooms on the ground floor. The temporary exhibition in the new building is fully accessible.

Unfortunately, we do not allow dogs or other pets to enter the castle due to the nature of our artefacts and out of respect for other visitors. However, pets are welcome in our outdoor spaces and in the new building (café, temporary exhibition). Thank you for your understanding. We’re looking forward to welcoming you to our museum soon.

Multilingual audio guide
Museum shop

Museum Ladin
Ursus ladinicus
Micurá de Rü Str. 26
39036 St. Kassian/San Cassiano


Permanent exhibition

The history of the Ursus ladinicus cave bears

Foto einer lebensgroßen realistischen Bärenstatue samt Beschreibungstext im Museum Ladin Ursus ladinicus in St. Kassian

The artefacts on display in the permanent exhibition include bones, teeth and skulls belonging to a new subspecies of cave bears named Ursus spelaeus ladinicus in honour of the Ladin people.

Fascinating video installations, the full skeleton of a cave bear and the true-to-life reproduction of a sleeping Ursus ladinicus mummy bear with her bear cub are highlights of a visit to the museum. The key stages of the formation of the Dolomites – or Pale Mountains – are visualised by the incredible collection of fossils.


Guided tours and events

Exciting events and interesting guided tours are a regular occurrence at the Ciastel de Tor and Ursus ladinicus sites and in the local area. Visitors can learn all about the region’s history and culture in fun and enriching ways.
With guided excursions and walks on offer, the MusLa gives people a chance to explore and experience nature mindfully. We draw links to topical issues through a wide range of special initiatives, guided tours and temporary exhibitions.


Our museum shop

The Museum Ladin Ciastel de Tor and the Museum Ladin Ursus ladinicus have a museum shop, where visitors can buy books relating to the museum collections, souvenirs and traditional handmade items from the local area.

Typische ladinische Holzpuppen im Shop des Museum Ladin Ciastel de Tor in St. Martin in Thurn.