Opening times
Ciastel de Tor

Summer opening hours from 01.05.2024 to the first Sunday in November.

Tuesday–Sunday: 10.00–18.00
Monday: Closed
Ursus ladinicus

Summer opening hours from 01.05.2024 to the first Sunday in November.

Tuesday–Sunday: 10.00–18.00
Monday: Closed
News and press

Start of the season with worlds of books

The Museum Ladin will be open again starting with the 1st of May. The Museum Ladin Ciastel de Tor in San Martino in Badia presents the culture and history of the Ladin region, while the museum in San Cassiano, the Museum Ladin Ursus ladinicus, tells the story of the formation of the Dolomites and the life of the cave bear. May is also all about literature.

From the 1st to the 26st May, the Museum Ladin Ciastel de Tor will also be dedicated to literature: around 350 new publications from the year 2023, mainly in German, for adults, young people and children from the exhibition „Bücherwelten“ organised by the „Südtiroler Kulturinstitut“ await our visitors: On the shelves of this year’s focal theme ‘Bildhaft gesagt’, the book exhibition brings together book forms beyond the classic genre and offers graphic novel forms, comics, graphic novels, non-fiction and picture books with outstanding graphics and illustrations. We propose a workshop, in which the visitors are open to write and draw calligrams. For the younger ones, calligrams with shapes and drawings are provided. A selection of Ladin books will also be on display.

The Museum Ladin Ciastel de Tor and the Museum Ladin Ursus ladinicus are open daily except Mondays from 10 am to 6 pm until 3 November.

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Das Museum Ladin Ciastel de Tor sucht im Rahmen des Forschungsprojekts „Die Ladiner des Gadertales, gestern und heute. Der Einfluss der sozialökonomischen Entwicklung auf die Bewohner und auf dem Gebiet“  eine/n wissenschaftliche/n Mitarbeiter/in.

Press release

The largest mass extinction in the history of the earth and the parallels to today’s climate crisis are the subject of a new exhibition at the Museum Ladin Ciastel de Tor. The exhibition will be presented on the 14th June.


open for everyone

Press release

Excerpts from works of world literature, travelogues, letters and diaries about travellers’ impressions of the Dolomites are collected in Ingrid Runggaldier’s book, which will be presented at the Museum Ladin Ursus ladinicus in San Cassiano on 23 May.