Opening times
Ciastel de Tor

Summer opening hours from 01.05.2024 to the first Sunday in November.

Tuesday–Sunday: 10.00–18.00
Monday: Closed
Ursus ladinicus

Summer opening hours from 01.05.2024 to the first Sunday in November.

Tuesday–Sunday: 10.00–18.00
Monday: Closed

Bookpresentation Ingrid Runggaldier – Gezahnt wie der Kiefer eines Alligators

Reading and Talk

Ingrid Runggaldier meets Elide Mussner

From the outside, the Dolomites have long seemed unapproachable. No wonder they reminded the travel book publisher John Murray of an alligator’s teeth. The first travellers were fascinated. In her book ‘Gezahnt wie der Kiefer eines Alligators. Was Reisende über die Dolomiten schrieben’, Runggaldier brings together excerpts from works of world literature as well as travelogues, letters and diaries that revive this spirit of discovery.

In conversation with Elide Mussner, the author talks about her research and discoveries on the biographies of the numerous authors who visited the Dolomites. By reading selected texts, we meet the pioneers of travelling in the Dolomites such as Josiah Gilbert and George C. Churchill, Amelia Edwards and Karl Baedeker and alpinists such as Emil Zsigmondy, Leone Sinigaglia and the founder of modern women’s mountaineering Jeanne Immink.


Ingrid Runggaldier works as a translator and focusses on languages and literatures in comparison, women’s, gender and minority studies as well as the history of alpinism and tourism. Also published by Edition Raetia: ‘Frauen im Aufstieg. Auf Spurensuche in der Alpingeschichte’ (2011).


A joint event organised by the Museum Ladin and the education committee of the municipality of Abtei

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